For $600 USD, the course includes:

Lessons in this course series provide detailed information on a powerful and effective physical approach to emotion regulation. The Emotional Body® method uses physical patterns discovered in scientific research, and an instructional style informed by extensive research, somatic education theory, and fifteen years of development.

  • 14 hours of online synchronous instruction on the emotional effector patterns and various somatic education methods to increase somatic sensing awareness and learning. A temporary recording of each class each class meeting will be provided, because we know life happens, and sudden conflicts emerge.

  • 6 additional hours of recorded lessons and written resources to support private practice is also provided and becomes available as soon as for pay for your registration and remains accessible for a full year!

  • One private online 30-minute lesson with the instructor, scheduled after completing the full course of study, is also included in the course registration fee.

  • An online course platform filled with rich materials available to all course members throughout the course including pre-course lessons, reinforcement lessons to assist practice in-between synchronous lessons, and to assist with sustaining ongoing practice well after the course ends. Such materials as video and audio recordings, and downloadable documents describing emotional effector pattern practice recommendations, and recommended reading materials.

  • All six emotional effector patterns will be taught, as well as neutral and Step Out.

  • Detailed lessons on breathing practices, somatic methods for developing emotional expression and embodiment, as well as for establishing somatic restorative & stress reduction practices are also included.

  • Emotional Body lessons are also supported by reading recommendations from the text The Emotional Body: A Method for Physical Self-Regulation by Laura Bond. Registrants are given the opportunity to purchase the book at a special 20% off retail rate.

Register for your place in the course!

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Course curriculum

  • 01

    Preparing for our time together!

    • A Quick Intro to Using this Site

    • Schedule Information

    • Setting Up Your Online Learning Environment

    • Computer Device Needs and Video Conferencing Guidance

  • 02

    Pre-Course Lessons: Complete Before Our First Online Session

    • Introduction of the Emotional Effector Patterns & The Emotional Body

    • Introduction to Breathing Areas

    • Zero (Neutral) Breathing & Step Out Tutorial

  • 03

    Now let's get connected!

    • Participant Engagement Agreements

    • Participant Engagement Agreement Response

    • Before We Gather Together

    • Zoom Meeting Link Registration Information

  • 04

    Information and Materials Shared During the Course

    • Recommended Reading in the Emotional Body book

    • 1A Breath Pattern Practice

    • 1B Breath Pattern Practice

    • 1A & 1B Introduction of Breath & Embodiment

    • Feldenkrais Lesson on Side Bending Into 1A Pattern

    • 2A Receptive Pattern Practice

    • 2A Active Pattern Practice

    • Clavicular Breathing Practice

    • 2B Breath Pattern Practice

    • Introduction to the 2A & 2B breath

    • 2A & 2B Embodiment Lesson

    • Step Exhales and the 3A Breath Pattern

    • 3B Breath Pattern Practice

    • Voicing the Patterns

    • Emotional Effector Pattern Practice Recording (Audio)

    • Written Descriptions of the Emotional Effector Patterns

The Emotional Body method

Visit us at

The course meetings for seven Fridays from 1:00pm-3:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) Dates: Oct 25, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22 (skip 29 due to U.S. Thanksgiving) Dec 6, 13 - 2024 Visit our website to learn more about the method, past courses, and how to obtain copies of the book.
Emotional Body Book Cover

Lead Instructor

Instructor Bio:

Laura Bond (Lead Instructor/Trainer) is the founder of Pure Expressions® LLC a somatic seminar and workshop development organization. Laura is internationally recognized for her use of the Emotional Body® method of instructing safe, reliable, evidence-based somatic techniques for physical emotion regulation, cultivating expression and somatic resiliency, developing skills in safe-guarding personal agency, and providing methods for establishing overall somatic health, wellness and balance with regard to reclaiming the states of calm we were born with and learning to restore to these states after experiencing emotions. In addition to her expertise in acting, directing, and voice production, her primary research centers around the development of a physical emotion regulation method using somatic education philosophies with the evidence-based emotional effector patterns (EEP). After 20 years of practice-research, teaching and writing in this area she developed new ways to teach the EEP and founded a new method for physical emotional regulation and somatic resiliency, called the Emotional Body® method. Her research included collaborating and co-teaching with Feldenkrais® method practitioners since 2007 and an intensive teacher-training sabbatical in Chile in 2006 with neuroscientist and research psychologist Susana Bloch, an original member of the team that discovered the EEP. Laura is a full professor at the University of North Carolina Asheville and the author of The Emotional Body: A Method for Physical Self-Regulation, which is the core text used in Emotional Body courses. In 2022 Professor Bond was awarded the Ruth Paddison Endowed Professorship, a three-year honorary Professorship where she would devote her research and professional development to Cultivating Resiliency and Sustainability in the Performing Arts through her continued work and development of somatic education and methods focused on mental and physical wellness initiatives. To learn more about the Emotional Body method and Laura Bond visit

Laura Bond

Lead Instructor/Trainer